Northumbria Optical Coatings Ltd


Bandpass filters are designed to isolate a relatively wide spectral band. They are classified by having bandwidths (measured at half-peak transmittance levels) between 6% and 13% of the centre wavelength value. When ordering, the bandwidth can be expressed as a percentage of the centre wavelength or can be given in microns. The filters exhibit high peak transmission in the passband (typically greater than 70%) and very low transmission levels outside the passband (typically less than 0.1%).

Typical Performance


Typical Characteristics

Available wavelength range ~2 to 20 mm
Tolerance on CWL To customers requirements, but standard tolerances are typically +/-1% for a 6% bandwidth filter to +/-2% for a 13% bandwidth filter
Peak transmittance Typically >70% (depending on wavelength and bandwidth)
Available bandwidths Typically 6% to 13%
Blocking (attenuation) Typically <0.1 % from 0.3 micron to far infrared.

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